These are used to determine if an applicant/ employee has a history of driving citations.
Consumer (non-commercial) searches are performed on individual state(s) depending on the residential addresses provided by the subject. Commercial Driver’s License information is reported on a nationwide basis.
Motor Vehicle Report Search: Searches information compiled from a designated state’s department of motor vehicles database and may or may not include information from other states (some states share violations with home state). When appropriate, multiple state searches can be performed. Information provided, time frames reported, and Disclosure & Release requirements vary from state to state.
Pre-employment Screening Report Search (PSP): report from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This provides a commercial driver’s 5-year crash and 3-year inspection history from the FMCSA’s database.
Commercial Driver’s License Information System Search: Searches the database maintained by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators to ensure single license issuance nationwide. Enables employers to comply with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FCMSA) requirements and helps eliminate a candidate who doesn’t hold a valid commercial driver’s license. This reports on the current, and up to 3 prior, CDL numbers.